Ukraine, flee or stay

The Russian invasion has forced Ukrainians into a tough choice: stay or flee. Walking among trenches, destroyed homes, and mass graves, we witness the agonizing decisions faced by those caught in this conflict.


Since the last Gaza war began, Israel has killed 12,000 children, with additional casualties in the West Bank. The film explores the concept of martyrdom through Nadeem's eyes, a 12-year-old from Jenin Refugee Camp.


rule of fear

Billions invested during 20 years of Western occupation in Afghanistan failed to pacify the country or establish lasting democracy. The Taliban's return brings back an Islamic Emirate, reinstating religious law for millions.

The remnants of ISIS

Despite its defeat in 2017, ISIS remains a significant threat in Syria. Al-Hol camp, home to over 8,000 former ISIS members, harbors active jihadist cells conducting attacks and torture, perpetuating the caliphate's extreme ideology.

The streets against Macron

Protests surge in France over a pension reform raising retirement age to 64, prompting unions to call for strikes and demonstrations, frequently leading to violent clashes with law enforcement.

La noia de Portbou

After 32 years, the Crims program identifies a well-known crime victim in Portbou, offering closure for her family. However, the circumstances of her death—suicide or murder—remain unresolved.

Senegal’s empty nets

In Senegal, the sea is vital, but heavy fishing by foreign industrial ships has devastated local fish stocks, pushing thousands to risk their lives on perilous journeys to Europe.

Votan K’op

Chiapas, rich in natural resources, faces heavy exploitation by foreign multinationals. Political neglect, historically rooted in indigenous marginalization, has spurred transformative social organizations in the region, offering alternatives to global capitalist norms.

The Trophy

Insight view into roe deer hunting and taxidermy, covering the entire process from hunt to preservation. Film screened at the DocsBarcelona International Documentary Film Festival in 2019.

In October 2019, Spain's Supreme Court sentenced Catalan independence leaders involved in the 2017 referendum to 100 years in prison collectively, sparking a week-long wave of protests and unrest in Catalonia.

The People’s Trial

From the Himalayas
to the desert

Former employees and widows reveal Qatar's football industry truth, with around 6,000 worker deaths since winning the World Cup bid, mostly from Nepal, Bangladesh, India, and sub-Saharan Africa, making up over 90% of the emirate's population.